Most companies come up with all kinds of ideas. If that’s what they can sell, they are among the few who have succeeded. Very good plans are made more often. Realization is often a lot further. When it comes to business innovation, many succeed. Of course, everything can always be improved. In our case, we think of the products, the accessories needed to connect the bridge, stairs or gangway. For example, we have produced all kinds of connectors and revolving platforms.
More special are completely new products. After we have thought of these, the moment will come when the market can buy or rent them. In addition to the accommodation ladders, we have also thought of stairs whose steps move. Now, it is already there, you can say. And that is correct, but not to both sides. We came up with that.
What can it do? Of course, we have to think about the applications in everything. Otherwise the market cannot do anything with it. And when it comes to large investments, this must of course be expanded in advance with an entire plan.
In this case, the accommodation ladders with two-way adjustable revolving steps can be used on ships coming in front of the quay, for example at wharves, and that they are below the quay for part of the tidal movement and above during another period of the tidal movement, sticking out of the quay with their deck.
Interested? Just give us a call and make an appointment with us. We have very good coffee. We keep hearing…
Building in an innovative way
Through the ages people have thought about how things could be better. This is how many things are made continuously. Just like that started with the Ford, the car in the big factories in Seatle in America once. In addition, everything has gone further, a lot is done with robotic arms and when painting many parts, no human hand is involved anymore that does the real paint job.
At BRIDGES2000 we think that a lot can be optimized. That is why we want to participate in innovative teams. And of course cooperate on a new innovative product. You should also know that we do more than just construction work and engineering. Coffee? Or tea or water, of course. Feel free to drop by.